miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

VA - Radio Capital: Consentidas Capital (CBS Columbia / Venezuela 1970)

VA - Radio Capital: Consentidas Capital (CBS Colummbia · EPIC EM-6012 / Venezuela 1970)
01. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Tenemos que estar juntos (We Gotta All Get Together)
02. O.C. Smith - El hombrecito de papá (Daddy's Little Man)
03. Gigliola Cinquetti - El tren del amor (Il Treno Dell'Amore)
04. Jerry Vale - Esta es mi vida (This Is My Life)
05. Blood, Sweat & Tears - Cuando muera (And When I Die)
06. Percy Faith - Amor (Love Can You Make Happy)
07. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Esta chica ya es una mujer (This Girl Is A Woman Now)
08. The Ed Sullivan Singers and Orchestra - Sulli Gully
09. Tammy Wynette - Corre, ángel, corre (Run, Angel, Run)
10. Johnny Mathis - El mundo sigue rodando (The World I Threw Away)
11. Caterina Caselli - Emanuel
12. Barbra Streisand - La mañana siguiente (The Morning After)

Paul Revere & The Raiders - We Gotta All Get Together (1969) / O.C. Smith - Daddy's Litle Man (1969)

Gigliola Cinquetti - Il Treno Dell'Amore (1969) / Jerry Vale - This Is My Life (1969)

Blood, Sweat & Tears - And When I Die (1968) / Percy Faith - Love (Can You Make Happy) (1969)

Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - This Girl Is A Woman Now (1969) / Ed Sullivan Singers - Sulli Gully (1969)

Tammy Wynette - Run, Angel, Run (1969) / Johnny Mathis - The World I Threw Away (1969)

Caterina Caselli - Emanuel (1970) / Barbra Streisand - The Morning After (1969)

Album "VA - Radio Capital: Consentidas Capital (CBS Columbia)
Hecho en Venezuela por LA DISCOTECA, C.A.

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Gente Capital
Amaury José Díaz / Capy Donzella / Napoleón Bravo / Alfredo Escalnte / Iván Loscher